The Panto Players proudly present


A panto at the Isle of WIght Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.


Evening performances: 2nd, 3rd and 4th December at 7.30 pm.

Matinee 4th December at 2 pm.


Tickets £4 from the club or pay on the door.






80s Night

FUN DAY (August 31st)
The photographs of previous productions have now been relocated in the rehearsal room. Unfortunately one photo is missing: Ali Baba (2001), which was last seen on the wall of the lounge. If anyone knows the whereabouts of/or comes across it please tell a committee member. We are very anxious to find it.

We are attempting to build up our history page, so if anyone has programmes, photos, press cuttings, anecdotes etc., we would be very pleased to see them for possible inclusion.
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created by Chloe and Jade